A mainland spokesperson on Wednesday said drills conducted by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) near the Taiwan island are a deterrent to "Taiwan independence" separatist plots and foreign ...
跨性别军人 (Trans Army)页面在脸书上拥有超过55.7万名追随者。它号召追随者储存武器、招募退役军人、训练暴力行为和暴行,为全面叛乱做准备。 1月26日,在特朗普总统就职不到一周后,该网站分享了一篇帖子,宣称美国是一个“极权国家”,并敦促警察和军人加入“跨性别军人”、“暴民”行列,佩戴白袖章“以区分敌友”。
《Forever We Are Young We are famous》不仅仅是一部献给BTS粉丝的作品,它同样适合所有对流行文化感兴趣的朋友观看。该片通过对BTS Army深入浅出的描绘,向外界展示了一个充满活力且极具包容性的社区形象。更重要的是,它提醒着每一个人:无论年龄多大、身处何方,只要心中有梦,就能找到属于自己的舞台发光发热。就像BTS歌词中所唱:“即使世界再大,也不要害怕去追寻你的梦想 ...
GAZA, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli army killed on Tuesday at least 100 Palestinians and wounded dozens more in intensive airstrikes in various places in the coastal enclave, Palestinian medical ...
PARIS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Defense ministers from Europe's top five military powers, France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Poland, met on Wednesday in Paris and voiced support for the Ukrainian army.
BlockBeats 消息,3 月 19 日,Meteora 宣布推出 Meteora Rising 孵化器,旨在支持社区构建的工具在 DLMM 上的发展,由 LP Army 开发者关系负责人 GeekLad 领导。将对正在构建能够帮助 LP 优化、自动化或跟踪其在 DLMM ...