《印度时报》借助“不愿透露姓名的印度专家”之口,给出了“中国一直在积极向沙特推销歼-35E,后者也确实采购了一些无人机,甚至完成了几次联合军演,但一直没有承诺采购战斗机。并且沙特在传统上依赖欧美供应战斗机,更喜欢经受多年考验的盟友,而不是未经检验的中 ...
普京对朝鲜“有恩必报” 展示盟友间深厚关系!普京计划邀请朝鲜领导人访问俄罗斯,借此机会向全球展示俄罗斯对盟友的忠诚。克里姆林宫发言人佩斯科夫透露,朝鲜领导人已收到访俄邀请,具体日期将通过双边渠道商定。
3月14日,欧洲“Bulgarian Military”网站以一张新出现的运油-20图片为引,简单展示了一下欧洲看待运油-20,甚至运-20系列蓬勃发展的态度。看完之后,脑海里禁不住涌现出来一个词——幸灾乐祸。
The US naval forces carried out three strikes on the Hodeidah airport in the Yemeni Red Sea port city, and five strikes on ...
Exchanges between the Chinese and US militaries are progressing as planned, as the two sides have reached initial agreements in this regard, a Chinese military spokesperson said on Thursday.
PARIS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Defense ministers from Europe's top five military powers, France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Poland, met on Wednesday in Paris and voiced support for the Ukrainian army.
WASHINGTON, March 15 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump said on social media Saturday that he has ordered the U.S. Military to launch "decisive and powerful military action" against the Houthi ...