There are more Lord of the Rings movies on the way, but what should really happen is a Peter Jackson adaptation of Tolkien's ...
Liv Tyler's justification finally swayed fans on Peter Jackson's decision to cut down Arwen's battle sequence during the ...
The Rings of Power has introduced Gandalf into proceedings, and now may look to The Hobbit for inspiration on how to handle ...
The Rings of Power's characters which made Tolkien's LoTR books so beloved are disappointing fans with out-of-canon, flat, ...
Middle-earth has some of the scariest fantasy creatures in storytelling, and Tolkien's creatures have come to terrifying life ...
The Two Towers, Peter Jackson, and his team had the difficult task of introducing the Rohirrim and getting the audience ...
Unlike the previous film, Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers did not kill off any members of the ...
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy is very rewatchable, especially certain grandiose moments and a few more subtle ...