Catani and colleagues provide data on antigenic properties of neuraminidase proteins of pandemic H1N1 and show that antigenic diversity of the neuraminidase from 2009 to 2020 largely falls into two ...
Yes, identifying your audience workshop is very important. A type A audience is already engaged – they understand the urgency ...
The study provides convincing evidence for variable regeneration efficiency among planarian species that will be of interest to developmental biologists interested in regeneration. However, some of ...
Peptides designed by artificial intelligence restrict both drug-resistant bacteria and rapidly evolving viruses.
Investigating how the production of insulin is regulated in fruit flies reveals surprising insights that may help to better understand how this process unfolds in humans.
In this detailed study, Cohen and Ben-Shaul characterized Accessory Olfactory Bulb (AOB) cell responses to various conspecific urine samples in female mice across the estrous cycle. The authors found ...
Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we mapped thousands of expression quantitative trait loci in yeast, including a variant in GPA1 that influences gene expression, cell-cycle occupancy, and mating ...
This valuable study characterises the activity of motor units from two of the three anatomical subdivisions ("heads") of the triceps muscle while mice walked on a treadmill at various speeds. Although ...
This paper presents the important finding that BNIP3/NIX, a mitophagy receptor, and its binding to ATG18 are required for mitophagy during muscle cell reorganization in Drosophila. Although the ...
The evidence is convincing in terms of the soundness of the theoretical projections and the impact that accounting for group sizes may have on inferences from surveillance data. However, it has not ...
The study introduces new tools for measuring the intracellular calcium concentration close to transmitter release sites, which may be relevant for synaptic vesicle fusion and replenishment. This ...
TEDC1 and TEDC2, functions in generating centriolar triplet microtubules, and that this is crucial for the proper formation of centriolar subdomains and the stability of centrioles throughout the cell ...