A 44-year-old man was arrested and charged this week as part of an RCMP investigation into alleged sexual assault and drug ...
A 56-year-old Russian sailor has died after being lost from a cargo ship approximately 650 nautical miles northeast of St.
The Auditor General is painting a poor picture of how the government handles its Medical Care and Dental Health plans in her ...
David Neil, a meteorologist with the Gander Weather Office, says temperatures rose sharply, and then dropped quickly.
Environment and Climate Change Canada says since January, only four wild bird carcasses were reported and tested in ...
A proposed change in DFO’s northern shrimp assessment model has shifted the species into the healthy zone – a move that the ...
Over the course of 10 years, Greene says the new system will cost the health authority about $620-million, with a third of ...
In terms of increased defence spending, Carney admits Canada has to do more to address security and sovereignty as the ...
Two national pharmacy associations have released a new report targeting the complex issue of drug shortages and what can be ...
Nancy Barrington, lives nearby in Swift Current and says about 700 litres of diesel fuel spilled from the rig and is now ...
Some outdoor equipment could be the first to see price increases as the trade war continues between the U.S. and Canada.
Provincial Liberal leadership candidate John Abbott is calling on Memorial University to restore the Ode to Newfoundland at ...