Russian forces took the 37-year-old woman from her home. Since then she has become a Kremlin hostage. This article is ...
In Europa sudorientale la democrazia è in difficoltà: tra l’ascesa dell’ultranazionalismo, la presenza di figure politiche ...
Il radicale cambiamento di rotta avviato dalla nuova amministrazione americana sul sostegno militare all'Ucraina spinge gli ...
Was bedeutet es, links zu sein und mit einer Invasion konfrontiert zu werden, die man weder gewählt noch gewollt hat.
La démocratie bat de l’aile dans le Sud-Est de l’Europe. La Roumanie devient le premier “régime hybride” de l’UE dans un contexte de montée de l’ultranationalisme et d'instabilité régionale alimenté ...
Are an increase in public debt, the reduction of social spending and the calling into question of public services the only ...
What is happening in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia? Since 2014, the Ukrainian NGO Center for Civil Liberties has been documenting human rights violations in the territories under ...
The new US administration's radical change of direction over Ukraine has forced Europeans to rethink their attitude to defence and to double down on their support for Volodymyr Zelensky. A major ...
What does it mean to be left-wing and find yourself facing an invasion that you didn’t choose or want, that forces you to ...
Cosa succede nei territori ucraini occupati dalla Russia? Dal 2014, l'ong ucraina Center for Civil Liberties documenta le violazioni dei diritti umani nei territori occupati: morti, sparizioni e tortu ...
Democracy in Southeastern Europe is struggling as Romania becomes the EU's only "hybrid regime" amid rising ultranationalism, ...
L’aumento del debito pubblico, la riduzione della spesa sociale e la messa in discussione dei servizi pubblici non sono ...