Though as funny as that bit was, the other result of Beef letting his kids do what they want to do so as to learn an important lesson, Moon making HIS big decision, was far more comically endearing.
A mysterious princess hosts a dating competition to find her new partner; Shlub and Deliria do the worst thing possible while Ty’s away — accidentally improving the city.
Marshall finds himself in a new circumstance that changes everything, leading him to reunite with an old friend and start a new plan. Frances finds herself torn in the wake of bad news.
When Meg starts dating a chicken she meets on a reality dating show, Peter disapproves of their love, prompting her to move out. Saddened by her absence, he decides to get her back from the chicken’s ...
Luke suffers more loss and falls into despair, while Memmeln comes up with a certain plan with Meg and Sally.
Yuke decides to head back into Achromatic Darkness to save Jamie, but Simon stands in the way.
Overview (Spoilers Below): Exhausted from their battle, the crew heads to a local bathhouse but finds it too dangerous to ...
It’s kinda still hitting me that, before this, there hadn’t been any Adventure Time comics coming out for close to five years ...
Adapted from the manga by Naoya Matsumoto, the omnibus film features a thrilling recap of Season One and an exclusive ...
Goku and Bulma’s groups meet up in the Second Demon World and land on the original home of the Namekians, while Arinsu and ...
Maomao’s reputation for resolving conflicts reaches the empress dowager, who will ask her to help unravel a mystery that ...
The Lux Higashiyama FSC summer training camp begins, and Inori plans to perfect her double Axel. Meanwhile, Tsukasa offers to help Rioh, but Rioh turns him down.