Such a statement requires not only justification but considerable elaboration. Written science fiction is, of course, literature, although science fiction in other media (films, drama, perhaps even ...
In the Afterword to "The Word for World is Forest" (WWF) Le Guin remarks that writing this story was "like taking dictation from a boss with ulcers. What I wanted to write about was the forest and the ...
Since structuralism in literary studies is largely of French origin, let this attempt to ruin its reputation have as its motto the words of a Frenchman, Pierre Bertaux: At one time it was hoped that ...
From Downtown Greencastle, go south on Jackson Street. Turn right onto W. Walnut Street going west. Follow W and follow for .6 miles. The driveway to the Nature Park is on the left. Follow the ...
Each candidate for the bachelor's degree must complete one major with at least a 2.0 (C) grade point average and a satisfactory senior capstone. There are three types of majors offered: departmental, ...
Takayuki Tatsumi: Part of your Metamorphoses of Science Fiction has already been translated into Japanese and many critics there have been influenced by your critical system. Therefore, I think, it ...
Critics of H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine have reached no conclusions about the character of, or inspiration for, the Time Traveler. Opinions differ greatly as to the personality of this central figure ...
When Baudrillard writes that we live in an age of simulacra, he is not wrong. The phenomena he describes can be observed in corner video stores, supermarket aisles, and neighborhood gas stations as ...
The theme or narrative convention of the lost-spaceship-as-universe offers a particularly striking occasion to observe the differences between the so called old and new waves in SF, since Aldiss' ...
SFS was previously published by SF-TH Inc. From 2025 SFS will be published by The University of California Press ( All matters relating to subscriptions to SFS ...
How to apply for financial aid. DePauw offers merit-based scholarships up to half the cost of attendance, ensuring talented students have access to a high-quality education. Merit scholarship ...
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