Although the unprecedented scale of World War I was grand enough to give it the nickname The War To End All Wars, it only took about 20 years after the fact before that perception was proven wrong.
In May of 1804, an expedition commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson set out to map the newly acquired land from the Louisiana Purchase and find a connecting waterway to the Pacific Ocean for ...
Despite constant changes to trends, beauty standards, and fashion boundaries, one constant aspect of the human experience is the desire to strip down to the skivvies and head to the beach. While ...
While they’re the subject of warm, nostalgic feelings now, the ’80s were once a time that seemed to a carry a high-tech future just around the corner. The world was embroiled in international ...
Every decade has its memorable stars — the celebrities who either manage to capture the zeitgeist of the era, or those who become famous through sheer magnetism and charisma. Many of the women on this ...
An endless onslaught of machine gun fire rains from above as explosions shake the ground. You have nowhere to go except forward, toward the enemy who is determined to make you another lifeless body on ...
What exactly is a cult car? The examples of cult cars will certainly vary, depending on the person you ask. Younger car fanatics may consider the latest Bugatti Chiron to be a cult car, while older ...
Orson Welles’ first feature film, which he co-wrote, directed, produced, and starred in 1941’s Citizen Kane, is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. Following the media tycoon Charles ...
Dogs are known as man’s best friend for a reason: In addition to providing companionship and unyielding loyalty, they can also be put to work and bred to exacting specifications. It stands to reason, ...
Although both the United States Of America and the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics would see mass celebrations with the ending of World War II, the jubilation between the former allies wouldn’t ...