中新网青岛3月11日电(胡耀杰 王禹)记者11日从中国海洋大学获悉,该校海洋生命学院汪岷教授团队基于序列比对和图论方法,开发了病毒分类新工具Viral Taxonomic Assignment Pipeline(VITAP)。该成果近日在国际知名期刊《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications)上发表,为病毒组学和病毒生态学研究提供了重要工具。
She has won an international award! Chinese female architect Xu Tiantian transformed a 1,500-year-old abandoned quarry in Zhejiang into a viral attraction! 👍👍 ...
The globally viral meme character "Chill Guy" will make his first official Pop-up event in Hong Kong from April 11 to May 5, 2025.