SAUMYA RAVAL and JELENA BÄUMLER (ENG) add to this, arguing that the CSDDD reform overlooks the realities of informal ...
What distinguishes the Commission’s proposal from these policies, however, is that these hubs would be aimed at individuals who no longer have the right to stay in the territory of the EU. Still, many ...
„Vernachrichtendienstlichung“ – was wie ein halber Zungenbrecher klingt, ist ein Begriff, der vergangene Woche mehrmals vor dem Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshof (BayVerfGH) fiel. Dieser hat nun über ...
However, a closer look at the legislative framework reveals that the comprehensiveness of the ESRS may be an advantage rather than a disadvantage, as the ESRS sensibly break down complex E, S, and G ...
„ [A]ny deliberately retrogressive measures in that regard would require the most careful consideration and would need to be fully justified by reference to the totality of the rights provided for in ...
First, legal and rule-of-law factors: resistance to judicial review of executive orders, systematic abuse of power consisting in arbitrary official action and decision-making, and the doling out of ...
HENNING TAPPE (GER) looks at the financial constitutional aspects of the reform and warns about potential drafting errors in ...
Moreover, they are reiterated in the Commission’s recent communication on “the road to the next multiannual financial framework” and the leaked drafts of the next multiannual financial framework that ...
In Ungarn, Polen und vielen anderen Ländern wurden in den letzten Jahren Rechtsstaat und Demokratie mit formal-legalen Mitteln untergraben. Der Verfassungsblog hat diese Entwicklungen seit Jahren ...
Symbols play a central role in the formation of national identity. Flags, anthems, and coats of arms are more than mere decorations; they serve as tangible representations of a nation’s shared past, ...
In the present text, I will briefly describe the political and legal context in which this decision was taken, followed by an analysis of the legality of the extraditions and a discussion of some of ...