As Texas becomes hotter and drier, and urban sprawl grows, the state could see more days with an elevated risk for wildfires.
The Austin Animal Services Office is in early stages of developing its future bond package. The complete package for all ...
The Economic Development Department has announced final modifications to its Business Expansion Program, a key component of ...
Central Health announced at a Travis County Commissioners Court meeting that it has finally opened its Del Valle Health ...
The South Shore Cultural District remains in limbo as the city prioritizes funding and resources for other cultural districts, pushing any substantial progress on South Shore until at least Fiscal ...
Austin plans to greatly expand the amount of land, and therefore homes, considered at risk of wildfire damage. City Council ...
The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to reverse a decision by city planning staff to reject a site plan for a 142-unit student-oriented development at 2610 Hume Place, on appeal from ...
It’s a quintessential Texas experience to get your photo taken in a field of bluebonnets. “I have lots of pictures,” said ...
In response to a resolution from City Council, as well as the many projects and disruptions foreseen for downtown in the next few years, the city plans to create a new downtown strategy office by the ...
Cities across the nation are facing the same housing crunch that Austin has spent recent years trying to correct, with a new report from showing a gap of 3.8 million houses and apartment ...
A pair of recent city memos shows progress and the need for additional funding sources to implement the first comprehensive food plan for the Austin area. The two memos were released last week, ...