Sophomore Andrew Martin has been swimming competitively for three and a half years, two of those years being at the school.
Mill Valley’s coloring club was officially founded, the first meeting being held in room a104 from 3-3:30 P.M. The club’s ...
Filmfest is a student-led project put on by students in the Video Productions class. The project requires students to work in ...
I was cast in our Spring Play as Rebecca Gibbs from “Our Town”. When I first auditioned for the show, I was not interested in ...
The district’s second annual Job Olympics, held on Thursday, Feb. 27 at (where was it) featured events for students with ...
“Owalas are my favorite water bottles because I think that they have the best variety of fun colors and I think they have the best function.” ...
With the new dress code rules, only administration can tell someone that they need to cover up. Dress code has been up for debate for a long time, but I feel as though one isn’t needed. Almost half of ...
Growing up, I loved to watch vloggers. I loved being able to immerse myself in the lives of online influencers, to be a part of their day to day activities and hear their innermost thoughts. As much ...
Nine years ago Scott Schau retired from his work as police officer and began driving buses for the school district. Since then Schau has been making students’ days, putting a smile on peoples faces, ...
Former USD232 social studies teacher Keil Hileman, 55, was sentenced Friday, Nov. 8 to two years in prison at the final hearing in a case dating back to October 2022. Hileman had previously pleaded ...
This is senior Kate Haney’s third year on the JAG yearbook staff and she will be taking on the position of JAG editor-in-chief. When not in C-101, you can find her participating in NHS, NEHS and SNHS ...
Each year the cheer and dance teams travel to compete at a national competition. The dance team travels to the National Dance Alliance’s competition (NDA) and cheer travels to the National ...