Here’s how the USFWS is working with Ducks Unlimited to bring more small, seasonal wetlands to Minnesota’s prairie and ...
A few weeks earlier, Wolf had captured a photo of him running across that same road, not having a care in the world other ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now advancing an effort in Minnesota to restore and enhance wetlands on federal ...
Though the prevalence remains low, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Ohio has now expanded into Morrow County, according to ...
Joshua Wingenroth was targeted in a sting operation by the Game Commission that occurred at the Welsh Mountain Nature ...
The organized shooting was in response to 200 dead, and countless more dying, geese initially discovered at the quarries.
You can also expect the deer hunter’s voice to be less important in how deer management is conducted in those areas.
In 2019, the Game Commission board changed the opening day of the firearms deer season from the first Monday after Thanksgiving to Saturday.
The temperature was close to zero and the wind chill was estimated to be around minus 20 degrees. We could watch skim ice forming on the surface of the strong Niagara River current.
P-R funding has been used for payments in lieu of taxes (PILT) to state counties for the loss of tax revenue on public lands.
To see where North Dakota has been of late and what’s in store down the road, Jeb Williams, Game and Fish Department director, assesses the state of the state from an outdoor perspective.
A Division of Wildlife investigation revealed that Waters committed wildlife violations from December 2022 to November 2023 while visiting Ohio.