The company said production at the Tako mill would stop by the end of the second quarter of this year at the latest.
Finland is sending 16 million euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as part of a broader aid package to other parts of the ...
Finland's former prime minister's book, titled 'Hope in Action: A Memoir About the Courage to Lead' in English, will be ...
The leak posed no danger to personnel, the environment or nuclear safety, according to the plant's operator. Some 100 cubic ...
The Non-Discrimination Ombudsman said last week that the Interior Ministry acted in a discriminatory way by trying to favour ...
Funding European defence will mean higher taxes, increased debt or cuts in other budget areas, reports Kauppalehti on Monday.
The number of infections rose sharply during February, hitting a peak of 2,296 cases reported to health centres around the ...
The amount of snow will depend on how wet the precipitation is. Generally, around 10 cm of slushy snow is expected, but if ...
Canadian shipbuilding company Davie, which owns Helsinki Shipyard, has signed a contract with the Canadian government to ...
The spot price of electricity is set to rise to 31.37 cents per kilowatt-hour (KWh) at 6 pm on Sunday, according to figures ...
Despite the decline, SDP remains the most popular party with 22.8 percent support. However, its backing fell by 1.6 ...
For many international spouses, moving to Finland comes with significant career setbacks, but some cities are now stepping up ...