❶ 2024年12月17日,习近平总书记在听取海南省委和省政府工作汇报时嘱托“努力把海南自由贸易港打造成为引领我国新时代对外开放的重要门户”。请问海南在对标国际高水平经贸规则、推进制度型开放方面取得了哪些突破性成就?
很少有国家像墨西哥和加拿大那样对自由贸易押下如此重注。现在,美国总统特朗普 (Donald Trump)从周二开始对 墨西哥和加拿大征收25%的关税 ,墨加两国的经济因此面临一场压力测试,其严峻程度堪比全球金融危机和新冠疫情。
The inauguration ceremony of a construction machinery remanufacturing and maintenance base and the centralized vehicle launching ceremony were held at the Changsha Area of China (Hunan) Pilot Free Tra ...
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and her US counterpart Donald Trump have agreed on another month-long pause to a ...