A bomb threat inspection at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate turned chaotic when a disturbed beehive led to a bee attack, ...
ANN ARBOR, MI -- Police were called to an Ann Arbor mall Monday evening for a reported bomb threat. Several stores in ...
A routine bomb inspection at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate turned chaotic when a bee attack injured 70 people. The bomb ...
A bomb threat prompted an evacuation at the district collector's office. The threat, later deemed fake, was sent via email, ...
The Portage Department of Public Safety confirmed to News Channel 3 they investigated a bomb threat at the Crossroads Mall.
SPOKANE, Wash. — The man who forced an Alaska Airlines flight to divert to Spokane due to a bomb threat pleaded guilty .
A bomb threat triggered panic at the Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate on Tuesday, sending police into a frenzy before it was declared a hoax. However, the tension did not end there. During the search ...
District collectorate in Pathanamathitta receives bomb threat via email, turns out to be hoax after thorough police search.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The day went from bad to worse for hundreds of employees at Thiruvananthapuram collectorate on Tuesday as ...
The Walmart at 20710 Keokuk Avenue in Lakeville was evacuated on Sunday after a bomb threat to the location was reported to Lakeville police. The building was evacuated around 5 ...
Bishop Brady High School in Concord was evacuated Tuesday as officers investigated a bomb threat. By 3:40 p.m., the potential threat had been disproven. "There is no danger to the school, students or ...
A bomb threat was received at the District Collector’s office here on Tuesday leading to evacuation of the building and deployment of the bomb squad to search the premises, police said. After a ...