随着电影《姥姥的外孙》确认引进的消息传来,期待的热潮在影迷中间悄然蔓延。这部由马群耀执导的影片不仅是一部关于家庭联系和代际传承的温情作品,更是在这个快速变化的时代中,对人类情感的细腻描绘。影片的核心概念无疑是:“无论世事如何变迁,始终不变的是家人与祖辈之间那份深厚的情感。” ...
To get wind of something, in sum-up, is to discover or become aware of something, usually through indirect sources. For example, the press in our example may have got wind of the couple falling in ...
ITZY 李彩领全新翻唱“Please Please Please” ...
32岁商人周卓铭2024年涉在连登讨论区留言「Po条囡啲相先啦」,以呼吁一宗非礼案罪脱男被告公开涉案女事主的资料。该商人早前否认一项煽惑他人未获资料当事人同意下披露其个人资料罪,案件今于东区裁判法院进行审前覆核。辩方表示不争议警诫供词,被告人亦承认曾 ...
"Please do not play with chimpanzees with your mobile phone, it will affect their physical and mental health. Don't show me ...
Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers.