In a recent interview, Manchester United midfielder B费 provided intriguing insights into his future with the club, revealing that he received an invitation to leave last summer. This unexpected revela ...
在一分之差便能决定胜负的体育赛场上,诚实是一种弥足珍贵的品德。“红魔”曼联(Manchester United)左翼卫多古(Dorgu)在球队4比1战胜皇家社会(Real Sociedad)的欧洲联赛16强次回合比赛中,判给红魔的罚球其实是误判,获得主帅阿莫林(Amorim)的称赞。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
对于政府而言,发挥政府主导和协调职能,为企业“出海”提供政策保障。从日本经验可以看出,国家通过外交手段与投资国就投资合作达成共识,减轻因国家间政治理念不同导致的投资摩擦,并推进与目标国建立投资仲裁机制,保障我国企业投资权益。推进双边和多边投资协定的签 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
3月13日,Foster + Partners设计事务所公布了为英格兰曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部(以下简称曼联)设计的新体育场区规划方案。该项目是英国曼彻斯特老特拉福德(Old Trafford)地区复兴计划的重要部分,位于曼联队现有的老特拉福德体育场(Old Trafford ...