Just two months after his first appearance on WWE programming, Ricky Saints is set for his first title match against a ...
Ricky Saints‘ departure from AEW was referenced on the March 25th episode of WWE NXT. NXT North American Champion Shawn ...
Shawn Spears took some shots at Ricky Saints on WWE NXT.
Ricky Saints will challenge for the gold on the April 1st episode of WWE NXT. Saints has crossed paths with NXT North ...
The former AEW star is quickly making waves in NXT as he's lined up to challenge Shawn Spears for the NXT North American ...
在激烈的摔跤世界中,肖恩·斯皮尔斯(Shawn Spears)的名字再次引发关注。他在NXT中以闪电般的速度夺得了北美冠军,让无数粉丝为之振奋。这场发生在3月4日的比赛,不只是一个简单的胜利,更是他职业生涯的重大转折。通过这场比赛,斯皮尔斯向那些曾质疑他的人证明了自己的实力,他的成功或将开启WWE吸纳前AEW选手的新时代。
在昨天的NXT节目中,前AEW明星肖恩·斯皮尔斯(Shawn Spears)以其卓越的表现震惊观众,成功斩获NXT北美冠军,战胜了托尼·德安吉洛(Tony D'Angelo)。这场比赛不仅见证了斯皮尔斯职业生涯的巅峰时刻,同时也暗示着WWE对前AEW选手的更大关注与挖掘。
在一场备受瞩目的对决中,前AEW明星肖恩·斯皮尔斯(Shawn Spears)于最新的NXT节目中成功战胜托尼·德安吉洛(Tony D'Angelo),勇夺NXT北美冠军(NXT North American Championship)。这场比赛的胜利不仅是斯皮尔斯职业生涯的重大转折点,也让他成为粉丝们瞩目的焦点。
WWE rehired Shawn Spears over a year ago, and his career resurgence is moving full steam ahead. The Canadian debuted in March 2002 and became an AEW Original after multiple WWE stints over the years.
Shawn Spears says Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance, and Izzi Dame are hungry and driven. At WWE NXT Roadblock, NXT North American ...