The exasperated 无可奈何的 Wenger took his frustration out 发泄不满 on the nearest inanimate object 无生命的东西 – in this case a plastic bottle of water. Unfortunately for him, this action was deemed to be 被认为是 in ...
SAT考试是由美国一家私营的教育考试机构“教育测试服务中心”设计的。以前称为“学术水平测试”,后改名为“学术能力测试”,简称都是SAT。SAT每年考7次,考生任选考试时间,不限考试次数。考试历时大约4个小时。 >>更多 加拿大无高考。加拿大中学生要想上大学,不用参加专门的入学考试,但各大学也有自己的学生选拔制度。加拿大的高中毕业生要想进入大学,还是需要提出申请的,也就是相当于中国高考生的填志愿。
教育频道意见反馈留言板 电话:010-62630930-5178 欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About Sina | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站律师 | SINA English | 会员注册 | 产品答疑 ...
教育频道意见反馈留言板 电话:010-62630930-5178 欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About Sina | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站律师 | SINA English | 会员注册 | 产品答疑 ...
长假,对职场中人是个充满诱惑的字眼,若已坚定无出行计划,我们不如为未来积攒筹码,筹划明天总是一件让人兴奋的事情。 热爱学习的白领们,既不必上学习班,也不用考证,其实只要花一些时间,略加筹划,就能自助轻松充电。在散乱的阅读中,获取一种不期而至的灵感,也许我们的思路会渐渐清晰,对于梦想更加坚定执着。编者按 ...
If the separation appears to be amicable, some people might not rush to remove the ring. Singer Seal said in an interview ...
The Olympic medal ceremonies have already begun. But some athletes hardly disguise their disappointment when silver and not ...
Every athlete dreams of that moment: standing on the highest podium, having a gold medal hung around their neck and watching ...
Other off-the-wall games are stiletto racing, where competitors race in 3-inch high heels, running backwards, underwater ...
A rare stamp in mint condition can hold real value. Collectable or limited-edition stamps can sell for many times their ...
Murray choked back tears during his emotional speech, congratulating Federer on his performance and admitting that defeat was ...
So, rather than stressing the health benefits of a good workout, The Lancet researchers have decided to show the harm caused ...