KARE 11 journalists explain how they found alarming fraudulent Medicaid billing practices at several addiction recovery ...
A behind-the-scenes look at a Marshall Project series that reveals that hospitals drug tested pregnant patients and reported ...
San Francisco Chronicle reporters Jennifer Gollan and Susie Neilson share tips from their investigation into deadly police ...
Dave Philipps of The New York Times shares how he reported his stories despite extremely limited access to military officials ...
Katey Rusch and Casey Smith were students in the University of California, Berkeley’s Investigative Reporting Program in 2019 when they compared notes about law enforcement issues they had researched ...
The U.S. government has designated more than 800 colleges and universities as minority-serving institutions, either because they were originally created to educate Black or Native American students or ...
Immigration policy remains one of the most contentious, consequential and misunderstood issues in the United States. For journalists, it’s more important than ever to inform immigration stories with ...
The Journalist’s Resource publishes its written content under a Creative Commons — Attribution/No derivatives license. This means you can republish our articles for free, both online and in print, and ...