On March 7, Keeden Renion, 24, of Auburn, was sentenced to 40 months in the state Department of Corrections for the vehicular ...
The City of Auburn has named Julie Krueger as the director of its Parks, Arts and Recreation Department. Krueger takes on ...
M’s tough-as-nails mother raised her six boys on her own, in a “hell hole” of poverty and crime, his choice words for ...
Educators with such certification receive an extra $6,324 a year plus another $5,000 if they work in a high-poverty school.
As the 2024-25 basketball season comes to a close, the Kent Reporter and its South King County sister newspapers would like ...
In her new book “Warrior Nurse: PTSD and Healing,” Blum lays out the experience before her readers. At 26 years of age, the ...
This year is a different story. For the first time since 1997, the Trojan girls took home a trophy, finishing in sixth place ...
Aid call: 3:34 p.m. (Auburn). Firefighters responded to a woman who was found pulseless and not breathing after suddenly ...
On March 3, the Auburn City Council endorsed the creation of the Kent Valley Air and Space Manufacturing Roundtable. The idea is to unite C-Suite leaders and key partners in a common effort to tackle ...
Below are answers to common questions we receive. You can also directly contact our Subscriber Center here. If I use more than one computer (e.g. home and office), do ...
Former Auburn Police Department officer Jeffrey Nelson, who is serving a 200-month prison sentence for the second-degree ...
Some publications charge a fee to list your notice in print. The fee is based on many variables (type effects, photos, and the size of the notice). Once we receive ...