Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is currently serving eight years in a prison in Iran for his Christian faith, has sent an Easter message to fellow Christians around the world. Pastor Abedini's letter, which ...
In this article I wish to discuss just one quite small aspect of the enormous topic of suffering as portrayed in the New Testament. It is a response to those who argue that suffering in the NT is only ...
Only a few short years ago, I was considered a full-time missionary and spent much of my time surrounded by other Christians who were actively living out the lifestyle that comes alongside ...
The problems in Africa cannot be solved with aid money alone, but Africans need to know God, contends an atheist journalist and former politician. |PIC1|Religion offers change to the hearts and minds ...
It’s hard to believe, but the issue of Euthanasia is before our Parliament again. One of the reasons I wrote my book, Apologetics Teaching and Preaching – for the Church and the Marketplace, was to ...
Reverend Dr. Phillip Hughes, the Senior Research Officer at the Christian Research Association, told Christian Today Australia that over 30 percent of Australian Christians do not see it as necessary ...
In theology, the words 'End Times' conveys an undisputed truth that there will come a time when all that we know will end. This is not only a theological theme as it is conveyed in the environmental ...
Crystal Cathedral is set to move its congregation to a smaller church down the road as it seeks to move on from the financial woes of recent years. The church's iconic California campus was sold to ...
These passing months of worldwide lockdown has been a time of fear and uncertainty for many. People the world over have been forced to put their lives on hold in an unprecedented way. Some have had to ...
Workers finished installing the steel tubing that will reinforce the path used to pull the miners up to the surface early Monday morning. The tubing was the last step in the long rescue plan. The ...
"Judas," her latest upcoming single, speaks about her love relationship with Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus with a kiss and killed himself after. Gaga told Carson Daly on Amp Radio that the ...
Presenting his case for Christ, former atheist Lee Strobel described how the evidence of Easter killed his faith in atheism in his essay published in The Wall Street Journal. Over 30 ago Strobel – who ...