Learn why similar mineral deposits may represent a treasure trove of fossilized soft tissue.
Learn more about the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the images of the infant universe it captured.
Scientists compared blood from frequent, long-term donors to that of more seldom ones and saw some key genetic differences in ...
Natural "off switch" could slow or even reverse the growth of aggressive tumors.
Learn more about the likelihood of an explosive Mount Spurr eruption, which would spew clouds of ash into the air above ...
Learn more about Fiji’s iguana species and how they likely used natural rafts to float to Fiji some 34 million years ago.
From reducing anxiety to possibly slowing dementia, learn more about the benefits meditating has on your brain.
Learn about the 128 newly discovered moons of Saturn, believed to be the remnants of collisions that occurred early in the ...
Observations about the directions in which galaxies turn have a head-spinning implication: our entire Universe might exist ...
Learn more about Homo affinis erectus, Western Europe’s oldest human ancestor.
Learn how replicating the natural process plants use to create their own food from sun and water could ease some ...
A student started a chase for the stars after detecting unusual sound waves in archival data.