Today, we’re heading to the southern tip of Kyushu for another cold winter cycling trip, this time exploring the Satsuma and ...
Unzen Jigoku (Unzen Hell Valley) – Follow the wooden path through Unzen Jigoku, a dramatic geothermal field where clouds of steam rise from bubbling vents. This historic hot spring area has drawn ...
Here’s how it works: 1. Choose any three days to use the train pass. 2. Choose any three other days to use the bus pass. 3. You can use both passes on the same day if needed. Example: • Take the train ...
Popular bakeries from Fukuoka gather along the approach to Hakozaki Shrine for this bread-themed event. Each bakery brings its signature items, and popular local shops also join with drinks, sweets, ...
博多、天神のまち全体が花々で彩られる毎年恒例の9日間!博多駅から天神、舞鶴公園をつなぐ散策ルートに、5万本のチューリップや季節の花々が咲き誇る「チューリップロード」が出現。メイン会場の貴賓館前広場には、市民らが制作した花壇の展示や ...
Our final dinner was at Fisherman’s Bar NINA, where chef-owner Nobu-san—a former local fisherman—crafts delicious and ...
日本全国から窯元や作家が集合し、陶磁器や漆器、工芸品などの展示販売が行われる恒例の陶磁器イベント。出展する窯元や作家が手掛ける花器といけばなのコラボレーションや、同時開催の「大川家具展」では、福岡県指定特産工芸品の組子や、総桐箪笥 ...
春分の日に一番近い戊(つちのえ)の日に行われる、土の神様に豊作を感謝する祭り、春季社日祭。この日はお潮井取り(おしおいとり)と称して、筥崎宮の御神域である箱崎浜の真砂を、神聖なものと考えて自宅へ持ち帰ります。博多では、このお潮井 ...
Stay informed with the latest Fukuoka & Kyushu news and events in English. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter today and ...
Miyazaki Prefecture’s commercial land prices rose 0.2%, the first increase in 34 years, driven by a recovery in downtown foot ...