Loosening restrictions on short-term limited duration (STLD) insurance plans, many of which do not cover essential he ...
For individuals with type 1 diabetes, low-glucose alerts improve the time below range for drivers and reduce the inci ...
The total number of births in the United States in 2023 was 3,596,017, which was down 2 percent from 2022, according ...
For individuals who are immunocompromised, denoised ultra-low-dose computed tomography (ULDCT) shows better accuracy ...
Pregnant women can get the COVID-19 vaccine without any fear of causing birth defects in their unborn child, a new st ...
Relative to high-dose doxycycline, low-dose doxycycline is comparably effective but more tolerable for lymphocyti ...
Specific dietary elements, including fruit, dietary fiber, caffeine, and dairy consumption, are associated with a red ...
TikTok’s most popular videos on ADHD are as likely to misinform viewers as they are to provide helpful hints, a new ...
It turns out the time of day -- or year -- an asthma test takes place can affect its accuracy, a new study says. #asthma ...
Elderly people benefit from taking medications to keep their blood pressure low, same as younger folks, a new stud ...
The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says.About 40% of ...
Lower doses of a common antibiotic can curb hair loss caused by a rare skin condition, a new study says.The antibi ...