Can vitamin A and cod liver oil prevent measles? Medical experts debunk myths and answer common questions about the health benefits and risks of the supplements.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use for over 2 years was associated with a lower risk for dementia, especially ...
Microplastics are everywhere, even in our brains but experts explain how we can limit our exposure to these insidious ...
Reducing seven risk factors for heart disease and having higher Life's Simple 7 scores may help decrease biomarkers for ...
Scientists have found that there are certain ages where cognitive decline interventions might be most effective because of ...
The ratio of two types of bacteria in the gut microbiome may be able to predict disease severity in multiple sclerosis, ...
Resistance or strength training might be the best exercise for treating insomnia in older adults, a new study suggests.
Scientists found that a low carb, low fiber diet combined with a particular strain of bacteria may increase polyps in the ...
Through a mouse study, scientists have found that aspirin may help prevent metastases, or secondary tumors, by boosting the ...