The district’s second annual Job Olympics, held on Thursday, Feb. 27 at (where was it) featured events for students with ...
Abel Tesfaye, also known as The Weeknd, released his new album “Hurry Up Tomorrow”, marking his sixth and final studio album.
MVTV reporter Hadley Doyle mic’d up Carter Sebasto and Kurt Golubski during winter homecoming trivia night.
Filmfest is a student-led project put on by students in the Video Productions class. The project requires students to work in ...
“Owalas are my favorite water bottles because I think that they have the best variety of fun colors and I think they have the best function.” ...
Earlier this year, I was cast in our Spring Play as Rebecca Gibbs from “Our Town”. When I first auditioned for the show, I was not interested in playing Rebecca. However, after being cast in the role, ...
With the new dress code rules, only administration can tell someone that they need to cover up. Dress code has been up for debate for a long time, but I feel as though one isn’t needed. Almost half of ...
The New York Times has found a way to make educational games fun for millions of users. With eight billion games played in 2023, the company has found large success in its games. Naturally, some of ...
The annual KAY conference was held on Jan. 31 at Olathe East High School. This conference was a big deal for the club because they got to meet with other schools that have the same program. KAY club ...
Whether scrolling on TikTok or swiping through Instagram stories, a person’s feed is likely to be filled with so-called realistic what I eat in day videos, how to get in shape fast videos, influencer ...