Wireline logging is complete and additional data collection is under way, including core acquisition and flow testing to ...
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC discovered a new oil field near Somogysámson in western Hungary. The Som-8 well was spudded on ...
Brent crude oil prices are projected to average $73/bbl in 2025, down $7/bbl from 2024, according to Wood Mackenzie’s latest monthly oil market outlook.
Jadestone Energy PLC submitted a field development plan (FDP) to Petrovietnam for the Nam Du/U Minh (NDUM) discoveries on Block 46/07 and Block 51 offshore southwest Vietnam.
Cheniere Energy reached substantial completion of Train 1 at its 10 million tpy Corpus Christi Stage 3 Liquefaction Project.
Equinor Energy AS started production at the Halten East (Øst) development in the Norwegian Sea. Halten East is a tie-in ...
Pancontinental is looking to secure an alternate farm-in partner after notification from Woodside of its election not to exercise its farm-in option.
CNOOC Ltd. started production at the Caofeidian 6-4 Oilfield Comprehensive Adjustment and Wenchang 19-1 Oilfield Phase II Projects.
Through an agreement with China Resources, Woodside will supply about 0.6 million tpy of LNG to China over 15 years.
Canada dropped 35 rigs for the week, according to Baker Hughes data. With 199 rigs running, the count is 8 fewer than the 207 units drilling this week a year ago.
The US Geological Survey released its assessment of potential for undiscovered oil and gas in formations under Wyoming and ...
Cairn Oil & Gas is targeting about 20 MMboe estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) from block CB-OSDSF-AMBE/2021 off the west coast of India.