Thanks to Smith’s open curriculum and breadth of classes, it’s easy for students to take sustainability focused courses, no matter their major. Students can pick a major with an environmental focus ...
Introduced in 2024, the Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) presents Smith Arts Day, a daylong celebration of the artistic and creative community at Smith College, bringing the arts together—across ...
Smith College is committed to protecting the privacy, well-being, and safety of our community. Below are resources for students, faculty, and staff members. Additional resources will be provided as ...
Joining a long list of speakers who have imparted insight and advice to Smith graduates, activist Reshma Saujani will deliver the keynote address in this year’s Commencement ceremony. She will also ...
Approximately 1,300 students will be coming to Smith over seven arrival days, with more than 80 percent being required to quarantine in a campus room or local hotel until they receive their first ...
Dear Smith College Religion Department alums and current majors & minors, We want to stay connected with you! To that end, we create a newsletter each year, offering updates about the department and ...
At Smith today, caps and gowns are worn at Commencement to symbolize unity and academic achievement. Academic dress is believed to have originated at medieval British universities. At Smith’s first ...
Smith’s housing system is unique. Here, most students live on campus throughout their college career (though off-campus housing is available after your first year) in house communities, not standard ...
Smith College employees are a hard working, creative, talented and caring community who keep the college running. We pride ourselves on being a diverse group that brings different skills, perspectives ...
Throughout its 150-year history, Smith College has been a dedicated neighbor and partner to the City of Northampton and its community, collaborating with local nonprofits and supporting initiatives ...
It’s 10:20 on a sunny and hot July morning. The drawdown of Paradise Pond has begun. It’s the first step in a multi-week experiment to send unwanted, heavy sediment accumulations on their way ...
This past academic year has had its challenges, but it has also been enormously rewarding. Smith students, even on Zoom, showed themselves to be incredibly smart and engaged, and my courses felt ...