SIGNIFICANT enhancements to local bus routes from Monday, April 7 have been announced by Warrington’s Own Buses.
THIRTY-TWO years ago today two bombs planted in bins by the IRA went off in Warrington town centre, claiming the lives of two ...
CONTROVERSIAL plans for “prison block” retirement apartments on a former Green Belt site at Lymm have been allowed on appeal.
A RETROSPECTIVE plan to transform a once fire ravaged building which housed a cannabis farm above a restaurant building on Sankey Street, Warrington, into a HMO property, has been approved by planners ...
A speed dating evening, for 30-49 year olds age group, is being held in Dorado Lounge, Golden Square Warrington, by Activity Angels CIC following the success of their first one in December.
A number of jobs are to go in the administration department at the privately run Cheshire Spire Hospital at Stretton, Warrington.
A talented group of local youngsters are ready to take to the stage for an unforgettable evening of entertainment in their forthcoming performances of “Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits”.
Cheshire tourism bosses hosted two of the region’s MPs as part of a week celebrating the attractions, businesses and people behind the region’s “world class visitor economy”.