美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)星期四(3月13日)向欧盟发出警告,如果欧盟针对美国威士忌加征关税的计划如期实施,美国将对从欧洲进口的酒类加征200%报复性关税。
On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to impose a 200-percent tariff on all wines, champagnes, and other alcoholic beverages from France and other EU member states unless the whisky ...
Many analysts warn that U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, along with ongoing tariff threats, are creating uncertainty and ...
The widespread sell-off was "mostly driven by anxiety about the impact" of the US government's tariff policy. US president ...
白宫发言人利维特今天告诉澳大利亚广播公司(ABC): “他[特朗普]考虑过这个问题,决定不给予[豁免]。任何人都不会获得豁免。”当被问及原因时,利维特女士说:“美国钢铁优先。”“如果他们想获得豁免,就应该考虑把钢铁生产转移到这里来。” ...
Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Yoji Muto has met with US officials in Washington to seek exemptions from ...
Mark Carney, who won the election on Sunday to succeed Justin Trudeau as Canada's next prime minister, said US President ...
唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald J. Trump)再次当选后,投资者曾对他承诺的所有美好愿景兴奋不已,而忘记了那些将令股市遭殃的事情。现在,他们对所有这些不利于股市的事情感到非常不安,而忘记了那些美好愿景。市场的抛售是否过头了?
(ECNS)-- China's foreign policy has always drawn global attention. In the latest China Q&A, Denis Simon, a visiting professor in the Asian Pacific Studies Institute of Duke University, wonders about ...
(ECNS)-- China's foreign policy has always drawn global attention. In the latest China Q&A, Denis Simon, a visiting professor in the Asian Pacific Studies Institute of Duke University, wonders about ...