AYANEO 全新旗舰安卓掌机 AYANEO Pocket S2 与全新升级的高通第三代骁龙 G3 游戏平台同步全球首发亮相,受到媒体和玩家的广泛关注。 作为全球首款搭载 ...
作为全球首款搭载第三代骁龙 G3 游戏平台的安卓掌机,AYANEO Pocket S2 带来旗舰级性能飞跃,搭载 6.3 英寸 2K IPS ...
11 天on MSN
AYANEO Pocket S2 是 全球首款 搭载第三代骁龙 G3 平台的安卓掌机,采用全新架构设计,CPU 性能相较前代提升 30%,GPU 性能则提升 28%。 该平台支持 硬件级光线追踪技术 、骁龙游戏超级分辨率(Snapdragon ...
AYANEO 全新旗舰安卓掌机 AYANEO Pocket S2 与全新升级的高通第三代骁龙 G3 平台同步全球首发亮相。 AYANEO Pocket S2 是全球首款搭载第三代骁龙 G3 平台的安 ...
IT之家 3 月 17 日消息,游戏行业盛会 GDC(全球游戏开发者大会)在美国旧金山召开,AYANEO 全新旗舰安卓掌机 AYANEO Pocket S2 与全新升级的高通第三代骁龙 G3 平台同步全球首发亮相。 AYANEO Pocket S2 是全球首款搭载第三代骁龙 G3 平台的安卓掌机,采用全新架构设计 ...
The new AYANEO Pocket S2 and Gaming Pad, featuring Snapdragon G3 Gen 3, 1440p displays, and cutting-edge portable gaming ...
The AYANEO Pocket ACE is a new, compact horizontal handheld with more raw power than anything else of its size.
AYANEO Pocket S2将搭载第三代骁龙G3,在2025年3月上市,配备6.3英寸2K显示屏,具有更大的电池容量,符合人体工学的外观设计将带来舒适的握持手感 ...
AYANEO has been making waves with the number of premium gaming handhelds its been producing, and the company doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.
The Gaming Pad is also the company's first Android-powered gaming tablet. AYANEO announced its first Android gaming tablet ...
Ayaneo has announced the Gaming Pad tablet, and the Pocket S2 which is a phone fused with its mobile controller. Both run ...