London's Heathrow Airport remains closed until midnight Friday due to a "significant power outage" caused by a fire at a ...
本期节目嘉宾VinTech副首席技术官罗善康(Jay Law),与观众深入探讨当代AI发展的见解。Jay多年来专注于金融科技及区块链技术,近年更全力投入人工智能(AI)的世界。他深信AI崛起将是历史上最后一次由人类主导的工业革命!
In a stunning display of skill and determination, Peru's national soccer team took a vital step in the 2023 World Cup qualifiers by securing a 3-1 victory against Bolivia. This match, held at Lima's N ...
Zhou Guanyu, Ferrari's reserve driver and local favorite, has assumed the role of guide for his team during the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai. Zhou displays his helmet design and extends ...
CBA常规赛继续进行,北京首钢主场134-108大胜吉林男篮,取得十连胜,并巩固了联赛第三的位置。对阵吉林男篮这场比赛,北京首钢没有给对手太多机会,末节一波流带走了比赛。本场比赛中,曾凡博、周琦、纳托尔、杰曼等主力表现出色,全队七人得分上双,成功击败 ...
3月20日,国际顶级学术期刊Science刊发西南交通大学地球科学与工程学院李小军教授参与完成的科研成果“Recent gains in global terrestrial carbon stocks are mostly stored in ...
在经历了动荡的一周后,道琼斯指数进入调整区域,较之前的高点下跌了10%,那些大量投资美股的人,尤其是马来西亚特朗普支持者都希望这轮的下跌是暂时的。随著乌克兰停战协议新闻热度取代了关税新闻,上周五美国股市迎来了反弹,收复了部分跌幅,也提振了投资者的梦想 ...
The London Olympics are nearly here! In this final episode we hear again from the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt. Usain is from Jamaica and holds the world record for the 100m, with a time of ...