There has been a vicious war of words between Congo’s president Felix Tshisekedi and the Rwandan leader Paul Kagame – ...
At Lenbachhaus.
Yes, quite dead. To make sure, the grandson of General Prats, Pinochet’s predecessor, spat on the former dictator’s corpse as it lay in state in December 2006, revoltingly bloated as the result of an ...
‘To declare an event is to become the son of that event’, wrote Alain Badiou in his Saint Paul. Crashed is such a declaration. Rich in illuminating detail, Adam Tooze’s book offers the most extensive ...
A fifth phase in the evolution of the journal runs approximately from late 1968 to mid 1971 (nos 52–67). A general radicalization, amidst the inter national student and worker upsurges in Western ...
The same bifurcation, however, can be found on the Left. If we look at great modern historians of the Left, we find complete indifference to the role of ideas in Fernand Braudel, contrasted with ...
What is ‘the anti-globalization movement’?footnote 1 I put the phrase in quote-marks because I immediately have two doubts about it. Is it really a movement? If it is a movement, is it ...
The first thing I should say about N.H. Pritchard’s poetry – but already, even before I’ve reached that first thing, there’s the thing before the first thing: I must admit that I don’t feel sure that ...
During this year’s protests against the Eurozone’s austerity measures—in Greece and, on a smaller scale, Ireland, Italy and Spain—two stories have imposed themselves.footnote 1 The predominant, ...
New Left Review welcomes the submission of articles, comments and book reviews on all the major issues facing us today. Authors should bear in mind that NLR is a journal of ideas, not an academic ...
The actual term ‘authoritarian populism’, however, only emerged in 1978 after I read the concluding section to Nicos Poulantzas’s courageous and original book, State, Power, Socialism, which was ...