Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas de la page pour les dates des années précédentes. La première journée nationale fut célébrée le 16 mai 1734, date choisie par Honoré III. En 1854, le prince Charles ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Prešeren Day was first made a Slovenian holiday in 1944, but it didn’t become an off-work day until 1991. Some also keep the birthday of ...
Vă rugăm să derulați în partea de jos a paginii pentru datele din anii anteriori. Chiar dacă data recentă a căpătării independenței Moldovei ar putea să facă din ea un stat ”tânăr”, este de fapt unul ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. People in North Macedonia start preparing and getting excited about the coming of the new year from 1 December onward. They go shopping for ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Until the end of the 17th Century, Serbia was ruled by the Ottoman Empire of Turkey. At the end of that century, the northern part of the ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. Most people in Moldova speak Romanian, which is why the holiday was originally called “Romanian Language Day”. But Moldovan being a special ...
În fiecare zi de 31 August, în Moldova se sărbătorește Ziua Națională a Limbii, “Limba Noastră”, care celebrează limba moldovenească. An Data Zi Sărbători legale 2025 31 august duminică Ziua Națională ...
Slovensko oslavuje deň 1. januára s cieľom pripomenúť dátum v roku 1993, kedy sa Slovensko stalo nezávislým národom. Známy niekoľkými menami na Slovensku je Deň republiky označovaný aj ako Deň ...
Μεταβείτε προς τα κάτω στο τέλος της σελίδας για τις ημερομηνίες προηγούμενων ετών. Ο εορτασμός των Χριστουγέννων είναι μία γεμάτη μίξη κουλτούρας, θρησκευτικών πεποιθήσεων, και ...
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. You can expect delicious dinners, family gatherings, parades, religious services and events, greeting cards, painted eggs, bunnies, ...