Suicide often happens in moments of impulse, when opportunity meets desperation. For decades, the Golden Gate Bridge has been ...
Gatorade claims its alkaline water will hydrate you into peak performance, but it's just pricey H2O bolstered by clever ...
Once upon a time, science communication was a niche hobby, reserved for the rare few who could translate lab jargon into something the public might understand. Carl Sagan made it look easy, but most ...
Recently introduced legislation would prohibit EPA from using any of its Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) ...
Rare diseases - a medical condition so obscure that even your doctor has to Google. Despite their name, these diseases ...
Talking with Lars always brings me back to my days at the FDA, particularly regarding the tangled mess of biotechnology ...
Have you ever met someone and instantly know their political views by how they sip their oat milk latte or rock a NASCAR hat? You’re engaging in political projection—the fine art of assuming that ...
Ah, the tangled web of history—where the guy who helped bring us leaded gasoline also played a role in cancer research.
Warning! Sweeping changes in public health are on the rise. The latest word, according to Stat, is that the Department of ...
If fad diets were a sport, the Blood Type Diet would be the comeback kid—re-emerging every few years with a fresh coat of ...
In a new USA Today opinion piece Drs. Bloom and Jeffrey Singer ask Secretary Kennedy to reform HHS so that pain patients no ...
The fine art of saying one thing and meaning another is a skill we master before we can even tie our shoes. From toddlers who ...