Butte County supervisors and employees, new and old, came together Tuesday to celebrate the county’s 175th anniversary.
While Trump’s tariffs could help steel and aluminum plants in the U.S., they could raise prices for the manufacturers that ...
The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the adoption of the plan, with Supervisor Doug Teeter absent from the meeting.
“This message of equality and unity couldn’t be more important, especially in our own community of Chico,” Maness continued. ...
Please bring to the floor of the House this optic-saving mitigation of unintended consequences of the on-going government reform: ...
Since Musk Trump are the most trustworthy patriarchs the world has ever seen, have really good brains and unblemished records of success, we should allow them to have total access to all our ...
Musk-Trump have decimated the Large Business & International Division (LB &I) of the IRS, the highly educated and trained agents tasked with investigating very rich ($10 million income and ...
Doesn’t anyone realize why all but a few of the Republicans are bending over backwards to please the “king?” The ‘king” let the “dogs” out, who are ready ...
Former Paradise resident RJ Winter sometimes feels like he can’t believe that he appeared on “The Great American Baking Show.
Oh Mike, there you go again, shedding light on the wonderful little town we share, Chico! (March 9th “Editor’s Notes”). I too, enjoy Sundays and your weekly column. It usually includes ...
The man was deeply troubled by what he saw as injustice and, therefore, took action that caused many people hurt. In his mind, this event seemed justified as a means of protest against what he ...
Most of us know something about JFK, and to some JFK remains an appealing memory; he was popular, charismatic, and witty like no president has been since. He also had an appreciation of American ...