A recent investigation shows that large, unbroken forests support more biodiversity than fragmented landscapes.
Scientists discovered that methyl halides, a gas produced by microbes, could be a biosignature for life on distant planets.
Debris produced by human activity has now been spotted at a depth of 5,112 meters (3.2 miles) in the Mediterranean Sea.
Wind turbine blades will become fossils due to their durable materials. Scientists call these "technofossils." ...
Teen pregnancy in West Virginia remains high, with a WVU study linking it to lower birth weight and prenatal care barriers.
Paranthropus robustus fossils from Swartkrans Cave reveal new insights into their diet, social structure, and survival 2 ...
NASA’s Perseverance rover found pale rocks containing kaolinite on Mars, a mineral that forms in warm, wet conditions.
Air drying beats clothes dryers in cost, energy use, and emissions. Discover how this simple switch can save money and help ...
New research finds that cacao trees evolved over 7.5 million years ago. DNA studies may help improve future chocolate crops.
The global trade is shifting focus from the critically endangered European eel to the American eel, raising new conservation ...
Cutting animal products—whether you replace them with whole foods or processed plant-based alternatives—leads to weight loss.
New theory posits black holes may transition into ‘white holes’, ejecting matter and potentially even time itself, back into ...