Thank you for considering a gift to support students at Imperial. Your kindness inspires talented young people to pursue their dreams and make a ...
Researchers at Imperial are to develop technologies to enable people living with dementia to live independently for longer.
Faculty of Medicine Staff Rounds – 12.30 Dr Ravi Mehta [Department of Infectious Disease] – 13.00 Dr Sung Pil Hong [Department of Surgery & Cancer] This internal event is presented live and/or ...
The Liver Immunology Group is located on the Hammersmith (Commonwealth Building, 10th floor) and St Mary’s (QEQM Building, 10th floor) campuses. The lab investigates the microbial, metabolic, ...
The government award recognises the potential of Polaron’s AI tools to speed up materials optimisation for climate-critical technologies.
Neural models, including LLMs, can exhibit remarkable abilities; paradoxically, they also struggle with algorithmic tasks where much simpler models excel. To solve these issues, we propose Implicit ...
Anja Meyer (University of Loughborough): Finite Matrix Groups; Cohomology, and Stable Elements Abstract: In their 1956 book Cartan and Eilenberg present results which tell us that the modular ...
James received his BSc in Chemistry with a Year in Europe from Imperial College London, spending his year abroad in Florence, Italy. He remained at Imperial College for his PhD studies with Prof. Tony ...
High-power laser-plasma interactions offer the opportunity to generate particle and radiation sources with unique characteristics, including femtosecond-scale duration, micron-scale source size, and a ...
Green Impact is an online sustainable action platform, providing a toolkit for effective activities that colleagues can take as teams to improve sustainability across Imperial and at home. Actions ...
The Faculty of Medicine Staff Round series brings together academics and clinicians across the University and our NHS partners to explore and showcase how engagement with patients and treating ...
Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) is a “canonical” one-parameter model of surfaces with random geometry, where the parameter c >1 is the central charge of the associated conformal field theory. Compared ...