Akshay Kumar, Twinkle Khanna, Veer Pahariya and several other celebs turned heads at the SKy Force film's screening held today in Mumbai. The film is set to release on .
The Dr Agarwal’s Health Care IPO is a combination of fresh issuance of equity shares worth Rs 300 crore, and an offer-for-sale of 6.78 crore shares by the existing shareholders.
Shatrughan Sinha started his career in supporting roles, often as the antagonist. His breakthrough came with Subhash Ghai’s 1976 film Kalicharan, where he portrayed a righteous police inspector. This ...
The Karamtara Engineering IPO will consist of fresh issuance of equity shares worth Rs 1,350 crore, and an offer-for-sale of Rs 400 crore by existing shareholders.
Akshay Kumar’s action-packed film Sky Force, releasing January 24, is already generating buzz with strong advance bookings. Set during the 1965 India-Pakistan war, it highlights India’s first deadly ...