非荷兰公民前往荷兰做短期访问时,有可能需要申请申根签证。荷兰是欧洲26个申根国家之一,在申根国家之间旅行不受签证限制,各国统一签发申根签证。我们同时提供荷属加勒比地区的签证办理信息。 如何并且在哪里申请签证 中华人民共和国的居民,不论 ...
L'ambassade des Pays-Bas à Kinshasa est accessible 24h/24 et 7j/7 au +243996050600. Posez vos questions par e-mail en utilisant le formulaire de contact. Nous avons également un bureau à Goma ...
A visa may be required for legal entrance into the Netherlands. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assists the following people in obtaining a visa to travel to the Netherlands: newly arriving foreign ...
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正常工作日早9:00至中午12:00, 下午13:00至17:30。
VIP entrance : Schedeldoekshaven, The Hague. Tel.: + 31 (0)70 311 8627 ...
Question par e-mail, veuillez utiliser le formulaire de contact (pour les demandes non consulaires uniquement). Pour les services consulaires (par exemple documents de voyage, visa, passeport ...
¡Bienvenidos/as a la página web de la Embajada del Reino de los Países Bajos en Lima! Es un gran honor representar desde Lima al Reino de los Países Bajos en Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador. Mi misión es ...
Tanzania is developing fast and the Netherlands wants to help, says Wiebe de Boer, the Dutch ambassador in Dar es Salaam. ‘People are moving to the cities,’ he says. ‘But rural areas present many ...
The department of internal affairs is responsible for internal affairs, ICT and the embassy buildings.