A five-year £19.2m loan from Secure Trust Bank has recapitalised the 242-bed asset, bought by Orka Investments in 2023 and ...
Tameside Council has announced a bold vision to foster inclusive growth, writes Nicola Elsworth of Tameside Council.
Part of a £210m regeneration at the end of Deansgate, the 224-bed hotel has been delivered by Property Alliance Group and Starwood Capital.
Two sites, including the runway of the former HMS Ringtail Airfield, are to be redeveloped into hundreds of homes and hundreds of thousands of sq ft of employment space.
Set to guide development in the borough up to 2040, the document has now been lodged with the Secretary of State for examination.
Haydock’s Florida Farm host a residential scheme on 46 acres of greenfield, directly south of East Lancashire Road after plans were approved by St Helens Council.
Cassidy + Ashton was instructed by the council to compile a planning statement for the application. The project team also includes LK Group, Bowland Tree Consultancy, and Pennine Ecological. To view ...