Ryan and Jared Smith became the tech world s newest billionaires after selling their company Qualtrics International which they started from their parents basement in Utah for 8 billion Here are other ...
One should perform karma for the benefit of all beings with an unbiased approach because bias gives birth to evil which creates thousands of obstacles in our path Rig Veda ...
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What is Neurobic SPANeurobic Spa is a unique Instant Self Healing exercise by meditation We generally med itate in order to recharge our body cells with Divine energy relax our body make mind ...
Psychology is as important as substance If you treat people with respect they will go out of their way to accommodate you If you treat them in a patronizing way they will go out of their way to make y ...
Cosmic energy pervades all space in the universe it synchronises the elements bringing order to chaos When we meditate we connect with that cosmic harmony allowing it to flow through us Pratiksha Apur ...
Who is the most powerful persion of sharam in history Articles ...
C P verma. Trees are the most beautiful and sensuous poetic expression of Supreme intelligence. Revere & Nurture Trees. Blog By: C P verma ...
Tantra helps a spiritual practitioner reach higher levels of consciousness says Dada VedaprajinanandaThe Sanskrit word tan signifies expansion and tra means liberation Tantra helps us expand our ...
A look at the curved oval iconic representation of Shiva Lingam placed on a globular base which is found in the Sanctum Sanctorum Garbhagraha of all Shiva temples has given rise to diverse ...