Each year the City of St. John's Athlete of the Year committee recognizes athletic excellence within the city of St. John's by selecting one female, one male and one team as the most outstanding ...
Property taxes are the City's biggest source of revenue. They fund all the programs and services we offer. Residential and commercial property tax is set every year. We calculate the municipal tax for ...
Building and repair permits are part of the public record. Every week, Council sees a list of recently issued permits. The most recent lists are posted here for public awareness.
Why can't I use my neighbourhood park to run my dog? Running your dog on school grounds, sports fields, playgrounds, and other fenced public areas that are intended for human recreation actually can ...
The City of St. John's receives 335 cm of snow on average every year. We budget approximately $20 million for snow clearing and ice control operations. City staff work hard to clear our streets and ...
Many factors impact snow clearing operations. Drifting, rain, or a sudden temperature drop could delay our snow clearing timelines. While the City uses its best efforts to clear snow on time, our ...
St. John's Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) provides fire and emergency protection in our region. We offer services to the municipalities of St. John's, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Backup emergency ...
Why is the City erecting a security fence on the George Street stage? Council, staff and stakeholders are very concerned about the potential safety risks for individuals sleeping rough on the George ...
Music @ is a series of free concerts that take place from July to September in a variety of locations across the City. Our signature event – Music @ Harbourside – runs throughout the summer, during ...
What's happening in our city this week? The Community Events calendar is a submission-based listing of events taking place in our city. City of St. John's-hosted events are listed here as well as ...
Find our fillable forms, applications, permits and licenses in one easy to search location. Can't find the form you are looking for? Send us your feedback using the "website feedback" form located at ...
The Legal Department provides independent legal advice to Council and City departments and has responsibility for managing the legal affairs of the City and representing the City in legal matters. If ...